Международное сотрудничество
Medical organizations
Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Altai State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Barnaul

Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Altai State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Barnaul

Legal and actual address: 656038, Russian Federation, Altai Territory, Barnaul, Lenin Avenue, 40.

Phone: +7 (3852) 566-822

Website: https://www.asmu.ru

Email: rector@agmu.ru

Established: August 7, 1954.

Brief historical background. The University was founded in 1954 as the Altai State Medical Institute of the Ministry of Health of the USSR (order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated August 7, 1954 № 8651-P). In 1978, the institute was named after the Lenin Komsomol (decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of December 14, 1978).

In 1994, the Altai State Medical Institute was renamed into the Altai State Medical University (order of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated June 15, 1994 № 586, order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia dated June 23, 1994 № 127).

The University operates on the basis of the Charter approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2016 № 388.

Educational programs.

Major Professional Higher Education Programs - Specialist Programs: 31.05.01 Medicine, 31.05.02 Pediatrics, 05.31.03 Dentistry, 32.05.01 Preventive medicine, 33.05.01 Pharmacy, 37.05.01 Clinical Psychology, 

The main professional programs of higher education are programs for the training of highly qualified personnel in graduate school: 06.30.01 Fundamental medicine, 03.14.01 Human Anatomy, 03.14.02 Pathological anatomy, 03.14.03 Pathological physiology, 03.14.05 Forensic medicine, 03.14.06 Pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, 03.14.11 Rehabilitation medicine, sports medicine, physiotherapy exercises, balneology and physiotherapy, .31.06.01 Clinical medicine,  14.01.01 Obstetrics and Gynecology, 14.01.03 Diseases of the ear, throat, nose, 14.01.04 Internal medicine, 01.14.05 Cardiology, 01.14.06 Psychiatry, 01.14.08 Pediatrics, 14.01.09 Infectious diseases, 14.01.10 Skin and venereal diseases, 14.01.11 Nervous diseases, 14.01.12 Oncology, 14.01.13 Radiation diagnostics, radiation therapy, 14.01.14 Dentistry, 14.01.16 Phthisiology, 01.14.17 Surgery, 14.01.20 Anesthesiology and Reanimatology, 14.01.21 Hematology and blood transfusion, 14.01.23 Urology, 01.14.25 Pulmonology, 14.01.26 Cardiovascular surgery, 14.01.29 Nephrology, 32.06.01 Preventive medicine, 02.14.01 Hygiene, 02.14.02 Epidemiology, 06.33.01 Pharmacy,  04.14.02 Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, 04.14.03 Organization of pharmaceutical business.

The main professional programs of higher education are programs for training highly qualified personnel in residency: 31.00.00 Clinical medicine, 31.08.01 Obstetrics and gynecology, 31.08.02 Anesthesiology-resuscitation, 31.08.05 Clinical laboratory diagnostics, 31.08.07 Pathological anatomy, 31.08.09 Radiology, 31.08.10 Forensic medical examination, 31.08.11 Ultrasound diagnostics, 31.08.12 Functional diagnostics, 31.08.16 Children's surgery, 31.08.18 Neonatology, 31.08.19 Pediatrics, 31.08.20 Psychiatry, 31.08.26 Allergology immunology, 31.08.28 Gastroenterology, 31.08.29 Hematology, 31.08.32 Dermatovenereology, 31.08.35 Infectious diseases, 31.08.36 Cardiology, 31.08.37 Clinical Pharmacology, 31.08.39 Physiotherapy and sports medicine, 31.08.42 Neurology, 31.08.45 Pulmonology, 31.08.48 Ambulance, 31.08.49 Therapy, 31.08.50 Physiotherapy, 31.08.51 Phthisiology, 31.08.53 Endocrinology, 31.08.54 General medical practice (family medicine), 31.08.57 Oncology, 31.08.58 Otorhinolaryngology, 31.08.59 Ophthalmology, 31.08.63 Cardiovascular surgery, 31.08.65 Thoracic surgery, 31.08.66 Traumatology and Orthopedics, 31.08.67 Surgery, 31.08.68 Urology, 31.08.69 Maxillofacial surgery, 31.08.71 Organization of health care and public health, 31.08.72 General dentistry, 31.08.73 Therapeutic dentistry, 31.08.74 Surgical dentistry, 31.08.75 Dentistry, orthopedic, 31.08.76 Dentistry for children, 31.08.77 Orthodontics, 32.00.00 Health Sciences and Preventive Medicine, 32.08.12 Epidemiology

Training of foreign students. About 1400 foreign citizens from 27 countries of the near and far abroad study at ASMU. In 2016, the Faculty of Foreign Students was created, where about 700 foreign students from far abroad study in three implemented bilingual educational programs of the corresponding field of study:

- 31.05.01 Medicine for foreign citizens (bilingual education)

- 31.05.03 Dentistry for foreign citizens (bilingual education)

- 33.05.01 Pharmacy for foreign citizens (bilingual education)

 A feature of bilingual educational programs is teaching in two languages: in English (1-3 courses) and Russian (4-6 courses) languages. Admission to the ASMU of foreign citizens is carried out on time with the submission of the necessary documents and the delivery of the required entrance examinations in the form of internal testing (full-time / remotely, in Russian or English (bilingual educational programs) languages).

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